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  Address   Via della Lungara, 19 – 00165 Roma (Italy)
  Contact Person   Claudia Piccini
  Telephone/Fax   +39 06.6869031  +393475076344
  Email    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CORA ROMA Onlus is an association founded in 1988 which has as main purpose the promotion of understanding of Vocational Guidance from a gender perspective as an educational tool for strengthening the person with respect to changes during people’s life or training or employment. For this reason, the organization accompanies people facing moments of life characterized by transitions and choices, by promoting and supporting mainstreaming actions, disseminating experiential methodologies and best practices with a gender approach, promoting the mainstreaming of gender equality at local, national and international levels in the VET system, training and in active Labour Policies. It is the local center of the national network C.O.R.A. with which it shares, the methodological approach named “CORA Methodology”, and the organization is accredited to the School Department of the Lazio Region to design and implement vocational guidance and training interventions  aimed at teachers, administrative staff and students of the regional school system.