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The European proposal ERASMUS+ "Diversities@Work“ is a project promoted by Organizations from Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium and Bulgaria, aimed to to combat discrimination against LGBT people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual e Transsexual), and to encourage the development of a new idea of differences based on sexual orientation as a productive resource , which can help to increase the business potential of companies.

The Diversities@Work project intends to propose tools and methods, addressing them to HR experts, business consultants, entrepreneurs so that they can acquire the skills needed to introduce or improve policies and practices of LGBT Diversity in the workplace.

For the preparation of these tools and methods we think it’s necessary to analize the real needs of Companies and Firms concerning LGBT Diversity. For this reason we kindly ask you to filfill this questionnaire, through we can collect very useful information for next project phase.

Questions are addressed to HR personnel, business consultants, and businessmen/women, those that we think will provide us valued elements for the construction of tools that are able to really support companies, and therefore workers men and women, combating discrimination against LGBT people and improving differences valorization related to sexual orientation.


In order to help you and to facilitate the questionnaire comprehension, we offer you a short  Glossary of terms linked to LGBT Diversity.