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Programma Erasmus+ - Azione KA2
Partenariati Strategici settore istruzione e formazione
Invito a presentare proposte 2014 (EAC/S11/13)
Progetto n°2014-1-ITO1-KA202-002605 - CUP:G86G14000420006

   Address   Marquesa de Vilallonga, 12. Desp.34 - Barcellona (CATALUNYA)
   Contact Person   Florn Dobra
   Telephone   +34932476290
   Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

GESEME GSM 1996, S.L., prevention specialists and occupational health, has a special interest in the social welfare and health of the people, by providing resources and means for the development of sporting and social activities.GSM 1996’s objective is a firm commitment to providing a new business vision based on the creation of innovative and sustainable solutions. We put everything we’ve learned over 50 years of experience to the service of our customers, offering them solutions as specialists managing a wide range of services in the Spanish and international markets.

GSM 1996, is a company, specialized in Occupational Health and Safety and in National and European Projects Consultancy,providing specialized services for Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Labour Ergonomics and Psycho-sociology and Health Surveillance.

GSM 1996 is a part of GESEME GROUP, a company with solid business lines and sufficient own financial resources.

GSM 1996  is a limited company with shareholders internal and that has different lines of business: projects,occupational risk prevention, occupational medicine and medical assistance.