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Programma Erasmus+ - Azione KA2
Partenariati Strategici settore istruzione e formazione
Invito a presentare proposte 2014 (EAC/S11/13)
Progetto n°2014-1-ITO1-KA202-002605 - CUP:G86G14000420006

  Address   Centro Direzionale di Napoli - Via G. Porzio - Isola C 5
  Contact Person   Pasquale Di Marzo
  Telephone   +390817968740
  Email    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ARLAS  is a public non-economic instrumental institution of the Campania Region with organizational, administrative , financial and accounting autonomy. In particular, ARLAS performs administrative, technical support, programming, qualification, research and monitoring services in the field of labour market policy, education and vocational training. ARLAS supports the following processes: preparation of annual and triennial programming tools for active policies and technical assistance to the regional programmino bodies; decentralization of the functions of vocational training and guidance through the support to the provinces in the detection of training needs, planning of training policies and preparation of an integrated VET supply. 

ARLAS provides technical assistance in the regional system of skill certification and issuance of qualifications and is responsible for maintaining/updating the List accredited training centres. As part of the employment polizie, ARLAS provides assistance and technical support during the planning phase and for the definition of guidelines for regional employment polizie, and provides technical assistance to the regional body of planning and consultation, particularly in the Regional Conference and the Regional Commission for employment, in order to carry out the tasks assigned to them by law no. 14/2009. In particular, among the tasks of ARLAS, concerning to employment policies, there are also those of monitoring and evaluation data on tools and actions for the promotion of quality of employment, the Certifications "High Labour Quality, the observatory and the labour market and the development of entrepreneurship initiatives ; as part of the tasks related to the regional VET system, ARLAS provides also a technical support to the Provinces.