On 14 December 2016, in the prestigious Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples), it held the Final Conference of the project, organized by ISCON.
The event saw the participation of Italian and European partner project of institutional guests and an audience that, as early as at the Kick-off Conference held in Rome, has represented all types of recipients of the project..
The Conference, in addition to returning the results achieved in the 24 months of project activities, through the actions undertaken by the partners, was also an opportunity for reflection with respect to the situation of the rights of LGBT+ people in Campania.
Among the most important companies who attended the event there were:
¨ Associazione Italiana Formatori
¨ Italia Lavoro
¨ Arcigay Napoli
¨ Osservatorio LGBT Napoli
After the initial greetings Maurizio Turrà, President of ISCON, the first intervention was to Valeria di Giorgio spokesman for Mayor Georgio Zinno, who stressed the importance of having chosen as a place of Villa Vannucchi Conference, splendid jewel of the Mile d 'Oro, where last September was celebrated by Monica Cirinnà the civil union of the mayor Sangiorgesi and his companion.
The comparison then continued with Isabella Bonfiglio, parity Councilor of the Metropolitan City of Naples. In his speech, Councillor recalled that 'access to employment, especially in the case of transsexuals, is completing denied; consequently, as the only alternative is often prostitution. " The business reality on the theme of inclusion and well-being of its workers LGBT + still has a long way to go. There are some positive examples, "flagships" in terms of rights, such as IKEA, however, that behind the "facade" give transparent dynamics not really equal, "In some cases, workers in return from maternity leave - continued Bonfiglio - were punished and transferred from other departments in the kitchen. " In his speech, then, Alessandra Antinori of CIRSES summarized the sense of Diversities@Work project: "We need a strong training action on these issues at the premises for enhancing the ability of employees to human resources to intervene on incidents of discrimination and create a positive atmosphere ".
Organization charts of the Italian companies, despite the law against discriminatory dismissals are still imbued with homophobia and transphobia. According Federica Paragona of CIRSES "Large companies have exterior facades that enhance the presence of LGBT workers + and then within them these issues are absent." As absent is the relational time "comparison - continued Federica Paragona - is a fundamental moment in which you learn to relate to people living different experiences and think differently"; to that effect enterprise trainers should have a role of mediators to "change the organizational culture and bring out, through a work of consciousness, stereotypes and prejudices."
Monica Buonanno, delegated for Italia Lavoro, however, has expressed his doubts about policy management methods that are still not practiced in an integrated manner, "Labour policies unless clearly complemented by social ones, are likely to be pure mathematics." In fact, even measures such as Youth Guarantee, which although should ensure equal access to work, "have great difficulty to include transgender people." "Educational Poverty and Poverty report - continued Buonanno - preventing companies to confront diversity».
"A homosexual employee when he starts a new job" in terms of difficulty "of less 5 than the other because it has to control himself twice, weigh everything that he says and the way it arises." This is the view taken by Fulvio Sperduto Italian Trainers Association. It still happens very often that even in large companies a worker is derided by colleagues and superiors for his homosexuality and it is for this reason that it is essential to introduce a mediating figure already widely used in other European business realities: the Diversity Manager. However, he concluded the managing AIF, "In Italy, the Diversity Manager is not yet implemented.".
In the final part of the event the testimonies of those who live directly on their skin discrimination were presented. In confirming the obvious limitations that our companies are still showing in the management of the diversity of its resources, Antonello Sannino, president of Arcigay Napoli, showed his concern about the current state of affairs: "Naples has the largest pool of transsexuality in Europe ; many transgender people end up in networks of organized crime because they are immediately discriminated against for their appearance, and they can not access any job. "
"Even for homosexuals - it continued Sannino - there are difficulties: in fact, if you organize a business dinner there is not always the freedom to be accompanied by their partners as with a person straight." Nearly half of LGBT workers, in fact, is not "visible" among colleagues because of little friendly climate that dominates in companies.
In this difficult situation, has nevertheless warned Daniela Falanga, delegated transsexual Arcigay, "the risk is that the world of work lose many LGBT professionals because of prejudices and that is why the staff of companies to be formed to accommodate them."
The conference ended with the words of Fabio Caruso, young activist passed by a female body to a male, which highlighted the drama of those who, from transsexual, approaches the world of work: "So far I was able to access only Young warranty. When I sent my application for other jobs, many have pointed out to me my condition. Their attitude clearly expressed their judgment for my masculine appearance discordant from the name on the documents still feminine. We discriminate against companies and in the meantime do not experience. The result is that now they are doubly discriminated against because now for the world of work 27 years I have not enough curriculum for inclusion».